Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
The VAT filing and accounting services (VAT Current Account Package) are enabled by an Application Service Provider (ASP), a third party and Bank Limited shall not be liable and responsible for the ASP ' s services availed herein.
I/We hereby confirm that I/we have read and understood the features of the VAT filing and accounting services and wish to avail the same.
I/We agree that Federal Tax Authority (FTA) shall have the sole right and discretion, without any liability of any nature, through all means (whether manual or automated) to accept/reject or deny any of your data from being transmitted to the FTA from ACCOUNTABLE , including but not limited to, in case of security breach, data traffic beyond the limit prescribed by FTA, suspected payload (having virus and/or malware), transfer of corrupt data, termination/suspension/expiry of its agreement with ASP or due to any other reasons in terms of the agreement with ASP.
I/We shall follow and adhere with the guidelines relating to ASP, prepared, proposed and updated by FTA, from time to time.
I/We agree that FTA reserves the right to amend, modify or make new rules, regulations and policies about ACCOUNTABLE, VAT integration methodology, and third party service provider appointed by the FTA and/or any other stakeholder in relation to FTA arrangement. Such rules, regulations and policies shall be binding upon ACCOUNTABLE and me/us.